New Year, Same Habits


We did it. David and I have finally bought our own home!

This new beginning, right on the cusp of the new year has been so exciting for both of us! It’s definitely brought us even closer. And despite the change, I’m being really intentional about maintaining some of our habits that have helped us to feel good inside and out.

One being, having a quiet moment together before the hustle and bustle of our respective days. It’s so easy to jump out of bed, get on our phones, hurry to get ready, and barely say goodbye as he rushes out to the office, or I jump on a call. So, we’ve both made sure to slow things all the way down and make our mornings even more meaningful—together.

One thing that we’ve always connected with is food. We love to eat, ha! And having a balanced diet with breakfast, lunch, and dinner is a non-negotiable that I do my best (I say my best because no one’s perfect!) to maintain.

And I get it, sometimes making time for breakfast can be a little tricky. We all have a lot going on. So, I try to keep it simple by preparing bowls of heart-healthy Honey Nut Cheerios!

I’ve shared my love of Cheerios with you in the past, but I do want to emphasize that my husband David, absolutely *loves* those tasty O’s just as much as I do! With their whole-grain oats and a touch of real golden honey, how can you not love Cheerios? They’re delicious and can help lower cholesterol* as part of a heart healthy diet, and have been staple in my life for so, so many years.

*Three grams of soluble fiber daily from whole grain oat foods, like Cheerios cereal, in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Specially marked Cheerios varieties provide .75 grams per serving.

Personally, we enjoy our Cheerios with some Almond or Oat Milk. You can also take it a step further by pairing it with a bowl of fruit.

And not every morning is the same. Sometimes, if we’ve had a particularly late-night binge-watching our favorite shows (haha!), we may just bask in the silence and stillness of the morning. And other days, we’ll be particularly chatty about what our agendas entail. Nevertheless, a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios is there to help set us up for an even better day ahead.


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