Quarterly Planning Tips!

Planning, especially each quarter, is essential for me in maintaining a successful business and personal brand. And I want to share with you how exactly I go about it as we prepare for Q2.

First, just want to note that Q2 means the second quarter of the year. So, the second set of three months. Jan, Feb, and March are Q1 and April, May, and June are Q2 for anyone who isn’t already sure what I mean!

Breaking the year down this way makes tackling your goals sooo much less daunting. And what I like to do at the end of each quarter is to first, look at what worked, what didn’t work, and any new insights I’ve received.

So, what went well for you? How did you succeed? What are some things you may have fallen short on? What didn’t go over as planned? ⁠

Now, what did you learn? Anything you want to do differently?⁠

From there, I come up with a theme. My theme for this next quarter is “Let’s get reacquainted.” My goal is to get more personal here and open up more. I think once I started to get more brand deals, things got a little “too” polished, so I’m going to invite you in a bit more.

What’s your theme? Think about it, and write a few sentences on what it means. ⁠

Lastly, set up your plan of action. What are the tangible things you’d like to do, that is in line with your theme—to achieve your goals?

Include pictures, examples, quotes, feedback from others—anything that will help you have a clear idea of how you’re going to execute.

From there, PRINT IT OUT. Post this plan somewhere you can see it, with the theme front and center to keep yourself on track!

Let me know if you have any other quarterly planning tips in the comments! 


New Year, Same Habits